In July 2021, I was diagnosed with Diffused Large B Cell Lymphoma ... I believe because of The Protocol, I have not been sick from the diarrhea or nausea. Phoebe M.
Phoebe M.
The Protocol has helped my Raynaud's immensely, I have not had white fingers all winter, nor do I have to wear socks to bed every night.
Peggy L. J.
My husband has Ankylosing Spondylitis, within 4 months on the Protocol, his numbness has reduced in one foot and parts of his legs and upward.
Cyndy G A.
Chuffed to be able to report a significant pain reduction this month!
John E.
The Protocol has saved my relationship and my physical demanding career!
Jimmy R.
I only had numbness and tingling, my sleep is improving, and my feet are starting to get warm and comfortable.
Dianne F.
I am grateful because I am feeling better especially at night.
Nancy B. B.
I have had coldness and pain from poor circulation for years; the Protocol has decreased the pain and my skin is warm to the touch.
Gerald S.
My blood pressure which was uncontrollable even on 3 meds is stabilizing, my lipids are way down, and my a1c has dropped.
Deanna E G.
The Protocol has helped me so much!
Natasha M.
I had Follicular Non-Hodgkin's,18 years ago; my Neuropathy is much better on the Protocol.
Chris G.
I'm teaching yoga regularly, walking a few miles at least 5 days a week, I can travel, be in a car for more than 2 hours.
Heide G.
The Protocol has helped my Neuropathy caused by RCHOP to treat Lymphoma and I am able to go back to walking my previous routes.
Gloria S M.
I went from almost wheelchair bound to walking 2 miles and lifting weights.
Richard T.
After one month on the Protocol, the burning in my feet has diminished by 70% and my toes are less stiff.
David U.
Incredibly grateful for the Protocol because I can work again.
Tina B-T.
My burning mouth is hugely better, and I can eat spicy food again.
Martha S.
The Protocol has reduced my burning tongue, my stabbing pains, and my kidney numbers went from 47 to 86.
Barbara H.
The Protocol was the best decision I ever made; I am off the drugs and taking care of my body for the future.
Ann B.
The Protocol is saving lives, giving us years of less pain and putting more life back into our everyday lives.
Dawn H.
Natural healing is the only true form of repairing and healing ourselves.
Evan S.
I am type 2 diabetic and had severe neuropathy in my feet, loss of balance and cramps; I changed my diet and started the Protocol other than numbness I am back to normal.
Terrie S.
For the first time in years, my Neuropathy is not progressing, and I am starting to feel improvement from the Levaquin issues as well.
Mary Anne K. S.
A year ago, I could hardly walk 2 blocks, was chronically exhausted, couldn’t work or be around people without severe repercussions.
Heide G.
The Protocol has made such a difference in my PN, no more Lyrica or pain pills.
Bill B.
I am off Statins and my cholesterol is normal.
Louise C.
The Protocol has slowed down my rapid SFN progression.
Sharon T.
Since starting the Protocol, I have put aside 600mg of Lyrica daily, stopped taking Atorvastatin, Lisinopril, Metnax and Nervestra.
Ed B.
Sugar and carbs are definitely a trigger for me.
Susan H. F.
It has been a few years since I've slept more than 3 hours at a time; now I'm getting 6-8 hours in a row.
Heide G.
NO WAY am I taking Amitriptyline, Gabapentin or ANYTHING prescribed again; Natural, all the way even if it takes longer.
Anastazia R.
I could not wear shoes four months ago due to Neuropathy in my feet; this week I walked over 30,000 steps.
Dave L.
The annoying sensation of cloth touching my skin is a thing of the past.
Malted M.
I was floxed and got constant Neuropathy, today thanks to the Protocol I am symptom free 5 out of 7 days a week.
Stefan A.
I am type 2 diabetic, it’s been 3 years or more and I’ve had ZERO neuropathy pain.
Eva T.
As the wife of a 75-year-old that was bedridden; we now walk about a mile in our neighborhood every day.
Darlene A. D.
I had been fighting for years to get my blood pressure down; two months on the Protocol525 and my numbers are good.
Teresa H.
I had terrible Peripheral Neuropathy in my feet; I’m happy to say, I can walk 2 miles and my feet don’t hurt.
Tammy B.
My husband who is a brain injury survivor and suffered severe Neuropathy; the Protocol has been the only thing that has eased the pain.
Trista C. B.
No more calcium for leg cramps, which were HORRIBLE; being on the Protocol has eliminated my "drop-to-the-floor, I'm dying" cramps.
Kathy O. C.
I am 3 weeks into the Protocol and my feet feel about 25% better.
Maureen M. S.
My Neuropathy is almost halted in its tracks and I am way more comfortable even at night when it was the worst.
Janet L. J.
Unfortunately, Gabapentin was the only thing the Dr. had for my PN sufferer ... fortunately, with the Protocol he will have a chance of healing completely.
Mary B. R.
After only two weeks on the Protocol, my energy level has increased to where I don't need my wheelchair.
Carolyn S.
After 2 weeks on the "Protocol," my pain, numbness, tingling etc. are almost gone.
Marinella B. B.
The Protocol has given me control over how to help my body in lieu of relying upon physicians to throw symptom band aides at me to see if they stick.
Pam M. M.
It can be scary for most of us to take control of our condition and advocate for ourselves but that’s exactly what we need to do!
Pauline C.
The burning sensation in my feet has lowered by 50% in just three weeks.
Rose P.
I have tried so many different things, and this is the first time I can say there is undeniable improvement.
Jana L. E.
I still have a way to go in my healing journey, but I’m no longer at a standstill or getting progressively worse.
Mary Anne K. S.
The Protocol truly has been a lifesaver for me.
Bridget M.
My Small Fiber Neuropathy symptoms have been rolled back 90%.
Sharon T.
By using the Protocol, changing my diet and lifestyle, my feet are 85% better.
Janet S.
I had the ability of getting off Lisinopril and Amlodipine after taking the Protocol.
Angala G.
Feeling excited about getting off BP meds that I've been on since my 40s.
John B.
I have more movement in my right hand with very little pain, numbness and tingling.
Cheryl B.
Twelve days after starting the Protocol, I was able to stop taking Gabapentin and Lyrica.
Rick G.
I can walk now ... so I put away my walker, my wheelchair and got rid of a handicap van.
Janie J.
With the aid of the Protocol, my cholesterol results are normal.
Pauline C.
Two nights in bed with my feet UNDER the covers and no burning!
Helen D.
Once on the Protocol, the numbness decreased, and the random shooting pains were gone.
Nanz Z.
I have seen 100 Drs, no clear-cut answers; just a few weeks on the Protocol and I have had some amazing pain-free days.
Ashley C.
Finally, some sun has arrived in the Northwest so off to the coast with our kayaks!
Noel E.
I am able to walk four miles three days a week, never could have done that four years ago.
Nina J.
I went on a hike and a kayak ride today which was physically impossible three months ago.
Jana E.
After nineteen years, I am feeling the difference in my legs and there is feeling returning to the bottom of my feet.
Nancy B.
The dramatic reduction of my Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy symptoms has been shocking.
H. G. T.
No more shooting electrical shocks and finally I can sleep at night.
Phoebe M.
I was able to grocery shop like a human, not half crazed in pain.
Tina T.
I am utterly amazed at the powerful healing effect taking place in my legs.
Gerald S.
Don’t get floxed! I never want to go back to that kind of pain and discomfort again!
Veronica M.
No more MGUS and I hardly ever have Neuropathy flares.
Sue W.
Pre-Protocol pain on 1-10 scale, 15. Post Protocol 5.
Nancy A.
The Protocol has completely stopped all my leg cramps and I have regained strength in both legs.
Angala G.
I am type 2 diabetic and after two weeks on the Protocol, my life was almost normal.
Eva T.
I’ve been on the Protocol for 4 months now and no more Gabapentin.
Jean L. T.
My quality of life has tremendously improved using The Protocol, I no longer lie in bed crying with excruciating lightning bolts.
Judy D.
After starting the new Protocol, the numbness and tingling in my feet has disappeared!
Susan F.
The Protocol has been beneficial for my eye health.
Martha S.
If you had gadolinium contrast with your MRIs, that could explain the muscles wasting, fasciculations, tinnitus and other systems.
From stage three kidney disease, to back to normal, that's more than any pill the Drs prescribed could do for sure.
Louise C.
I am having great results on the Protocol as long as I watch my diet and stay away from the sweets.
Judy A.
No more random zaps throughout my body and my PN is totally gone out of my hands.
Sue S.
Words of encouragement and the Protocol are like air in my lungs.
E. D.
I went off the Protocol about 4 days due to a dental procedure and my feet have been unbearable.
Barbara J.
Thanks to the Protocol, I have had two nights in bed with my feet UNDER the covers and no burning.
Helen D.
My Neurologist is amazed by my progress with the Protocol and approves a Natural approach.
Colleen F.
I haven't been back to my Neurologist for well over a year - we don't have to go to the trash bin of medicine.
Katherine W.
We are what we eat & our soil is so depleted that it's impossible for us to get all our 90 essentials.
Lyndsy S.
I am noticing that the burning sensation has been reduced by 90%.
Ananth S.
The Protocol amazes me, most days I forget I have PN.
Sue W.
I spent all day on my feet - I would have never been able to do this before the Protocol.
Sharon L.
I was once skeptical, and I'm now thrilled to be gaining feeling in both feet which was said to be impossible.
Michelle P.
I survived and thrived just by follow the Protocol and I see the fruit of its benefits.
Danes C.
Since being on The Protocol, my thumbs feel better and I am back to crocheting.
Julie H.
The Protocol has enabled me to drive again -no more numbness or loss of sensation in my right leg.
Doreen G.
My husband is a brain injury survivor and suffered severe Neuropathy, the Protocol has been the only thing to ease his pain.
Trista B.
The Protocol enables me to stay on a first line chemo and I’m almost to remission!
Janet L.
My feet are less painful and susceptible to cold than before taking the Protocol.
Heather S.
It's incredible how the Protocol has helped me regain my life and I'm grateful every day.
Stefan A.
Three days on the Protocol and I am already sleeping better.
Betty Q.
Thank you for the hope you are giving to me to fight this debilitating condition.
Gerald S.
The Protocol has been a blessing in many ways, no more PN meds, pain has radiated from my leg to ankle/toes, Bp, hdl, ldl, A1C all improved.
JoAnne T.
I am usually very suspicious and skeptical of things I learn about via the Internet but after being on the Protocol, I am optimistic.
Jon R.
The nightmare is honestly over and it's thanks to Bob, the Protocol and this Group.
Geoffrey S.
I was told I'd be in a wheelchair within 2 years and completely incapacitated shortly thereafter might have been right had I not found the Protocol.
Leslie L.
Thank you for all your contributions and wealth of experience and knowledge, I am back to my happy positive self.
Heidi J.
I feel like a new Peripheral Neuropathy free person again!
Dana E.
Sharing it's the key! You just might help one person!
Mari R.
After being on the Gabapentin train for 8 years, I found the Protocol and was able to get off 14 different medications.
Connie L.
Best Group of people ever - we all need help and understanding, we're all in the same boat.
Shannon C.
This Group and the Protocol is amazing - one week in, I'm feeling better and there's finally hope.
Rhonda L.
The R-Alpha Lipoic Acid and Acetyl L-Carnitine naturally lowered my blood sugar to eliminate the use of Metformin.
Alexandra F.
What an amazing feeling, I don't have to wear gloves due to freezing hands and I love how I can touch my baby girls.
Pam M.
The human body is an amazing device when it is treated as kindly as we do.
Bob Diamond
The sharing of knowledge and Member's stories in this Group has helped keep me on a better path into my New Normal.
Billy P.
The Protocol has worked miracles. I was stage 3 kidney disease my creatinine was 1.3 now it is .9 so no more kidney disease.
Patty H.
I am 70 years old and have made good progress with the Protocol - No more tingling, burning and shooting pains in my feet.
Dianne F.
I have Polyneuropathy from B6 toxicity and words cannot express how much this Group and the Protocol has changed my life.
Paul C.
On The Protocol for 2 months and couldn't believe my eyes, my blood pressure was 105/65 down from the 125 to 132/75.
Teresa H.
My Neuropathy is small fiber - the Protocol has decreased my pain from a 7 to a 2 and I can function now.
Mike L.
I have dealt with five Neurologists over the past two and a half years; I want a natural approach to healing.
Joe L.
After lifestyle changes plus starting the Protocol, I’m happy to say my feet feel so much better.
Tammy B.
I was floxed and got constant Neuropathy symptoms, today thanks to the Protocol I am symptom free.
Stefan A.
I just want to say it has been 3 years or more and I have had ZERO Neuropathy pain.
Eva T.
I still have numbness, but the lightning strike pain is gone. There is hope and we are getting our lives back.
Fran O.
Move heaven and earth to get on the Protocol - I too, wanted to give up but now I have my life back.
Craig B.
Our mental attitude, our taking control, our support of each other and our nutrition - that is all up to us.
Barbara E.
All is going well - feeling energized, my feet and hand, although still numb have low pain and minimum pins & needles.
Leonie N.
I am going into four years on the Protocol - I am now walking four miles three days a week.
Nina J.
If you put the effort into the Protocol, you'll feel the benefits, rejoice in less pain, call some old friends, live life again.
Eric F.
I no longer live in total despair, I live in hope.
Thomas H.
I have massive improvements in my symptoms such that most days I hardly feel even slight tingling let alone excruciating pain.
Pauline C.
After four months of following the Protocol, I'm elated to say I'm out of pain and have my life back.
Frank S.
Unlike the money I paid for prescription drugs that didn’t help, the Protocol has helped alleviate the bolts of lightning pains.
Judy D.
I am no longer a Diabetic - A1C consistently 4.5 and to say the Protocol is life changing is not strong enough words.
Mike G.
So very thankful for the Protocol. Every day is better and brighter.
Sherry B.
My Dr. was amazed at how well the tendons in my foot had healed; the Protocol seems to help more than just Neuropathy.
Phoebe M.
I put my faith into a bunch of strangers on a website and it was the BEST decision that I have ever made.
Karen H.
For the first time in almost 2 years, I drove today, and the sense of freedom is delicious.
Susan S.
My husband went to his Doctor, his a1c was 5.7 and blood pressure was the lowest it has ever been.
Erin L.
No more "dry eye," something I have suffered with for years.
Louise C.
I am thrilled with my progress and grateful to this Group, the knowledge and the Protocol.
Linda B.
My annual eye exam results are 20/20, I can only attribute my perfect eyes to the Protocol.
Nancy R.
I have Autonomic Neuropathy and I no longer walk around like a zombie due to the massive amounts of Gabapentin.
Lisa B.
Today is a new day and I FEEL GREAT! The stabbing electrical pain in my left ankle is gone!
Victoria C.
This is the Group that will help you learn, and knowledge is the key to healing.
Edna E.
I'm in this Group to help my partner get off pharmaceutical drugs, they are not helping and only causing other problems.
Elizabeth D.
This journey is two steps forward and one step back! You will get there, but it is not a straight path!
Maryann M.
Got off the prescribed meds, started the Protocol and within two weeks the pain subside considerably.
Sam S.
Positive thinkers. No senseless complaining! Just REAL SOLUTIONS.
Karen W.
Feeling so much better without the excruciating pain.
Ann B.
I am off all pharmaceutical drugs; I can stay on my feet longer and it seems to reduce the flares of my face pain.
Lisa G. B.
The Protocol has given me my life back; I no longer fear I’m going to lose my ability to walk or use my hands.
Jackie P.
After about two weeks on the Protocol, the burning in my feet stopped.
Jim G.
I have learned from other Members in this Group to focus on eating healthier and better managing my other health conditions.
John B.
Just wanted to take a minute and say Thank you for changing my life.
Rhonda L.
I was able to stop the Topamax for the electric shocks and stabbing pain since being on the Protocol.
Debbie M.
The Group is an important part of our new journey, we are stronger together.
Doc W.
I find myself not thinking about my Neuropathy anymore which is obviously success.
Thomas S.
I am detoxing from a high dose of Lyrica (450); may the itching continue, and the healing begin.
Linda B.
I still have tingling and burning every now and then but nothing I can't live with.
Linda H.
Thanks to the Protocol, the worst of my PN, caused by vitamin deficiency, is pretty much under control.
Valentina R.
and I have had some amazing pain-free days after starting the Protocol.
Ashley C.
Since I am feeling better, I am thinking of canceling the appointment with my Functional Doctor.
Alison M.
There is so much understanding, support, positivity and loads of things to find when searching in older threads and watching the videos.
Malte M.
We found that Acetyl L Carnitine and R Alpha Lipoic Acid improve two of the most important cellular lesions of aging.
James B.
Here I am nine weeks on the Protocol walking up and down stairs.
Jorge S.
My feet are 85% better, couple of toes tingle or get cold at times but there is no pain and walking in shoes is not an issue.
Janet S.
There is nothing I can lose except unbearable pain - life goes on and never give up.
Mustafa M.
I am enjoying long walks with my hubby … I was up at 4am and didn't go to bed till 9pm what a wonderful day.
Sheri O.
I have CIDP and my nerves are remyelinating at an incredible rate!
Leigh T.
After starting the Protocol, I weaned off Prednisone now all heart problems have ceased.
Leonie N.
Nourishing your depleted cells can quickly give you back your life.
Gina R.
I cleaned a whole bathroom, which was a major task due to muscle lose when I was extremely sick.
Carolyn S.
My husband is getting his life back; He played 3 games of corn hole, mowed, weed whacked and put all the lawn furniture out.
Erin L.
I've been terribly busy doing home improvements, yard work, cutting/splitting and stacking firewood for the winter.
Edward B.
I put my walker away, got rid of a handicap van, and now use a cane with less pain, burning and numbness.
Janie J.
The Protocol is a no-brainer and I'm reaping the benefits of a perfectly, time-tested, tweaked vitamin regimen for PN.
Frank S.
Seems to me putting this Group together was a labor of love to help all of us who are or were suffering with PN.
Debra S.
I’m a fighter and thankfully with the help I have experienced with this Group and the Protocol, I will make it.
Jim F.
Experiencing improved sleep, which helps so much with all our problems.
Phoebe M.
I have energy and feel human again.
Heide G.
My Neuropathy has rolled back significantly; I forget I have Neuropathy at times.
Mike L.
My burning mouth has gone from out of control to almost gone ... I am sleeping better than I have in over a year.
Kristi L.
I’m just totally blown away, my dress shoes with a 1 -1/2-inch heels fit again.
Bernadine Z.
Took my son to Disneyland and walked for 5hrs, took him to a car show the next day, and today the whole family went to the beach.
Jordan A.
Within two months, The Protocol has changed my Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome.
Guillaume C.
Slowly but surely the numbness is decreasing in my left leg.
Linda S.
I have been on the Protocol for a few months now and have amazing results.
Melissa T.
After 2 weeks on the Protocol, my pain, numbness, tingling etc. are almost gone.
Marinella B.
I have MGUS..IgM. Been on the Protocol over a year, my numbers and Neuropathy symptoms have improved with no progression.
Carey L.
I had MGUS but been on The Protocol one year. In SEP, my Dr said I do not have MGUS anymore.
Doris L.
I have been grocery shopping without my wheelchair, couldn’t do that before starting the Protocol.
Ty B.
Yes, you must be on the Protocol indefinitely but when you get 80 or 90% better, it isn't an issue because you feel much better.
Angala G.
Fourteen months on the Protocol in addition to diet change, my burning went from 10 plus to a 2.
Holly E.
I am thrilled at how healthy I am getting … I started mountain biking again and will begin my long distant swimming.
Linda P. S.
I underwent foot/toe surgery to correct my hammer toes shortly thereafter I went back to work without pain medication.
Julie G. B.
Went shopping, in sneakers, not "Old man slippers" No wobbling when standing still, no breaks sitting down, no walking issues at all.
Geoffrey S.
I baked cookies and bread all day long, something I haven't done in two years.
Kathy P. H.
This Group is amazing! After one week on the Protocol, I feel so much better.
Rhonda L.
Three months on the Protocol, weaned myself off the Gabapentin and I am getting my life back.
Darlene S.
Thanks to the Protocol, my sleeping has improved even after discontinuing 50mg of Diphenhydramine.
Gary G.
Diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma - my Velcade Chemotherapy Induced Neuropathy has almost halted in its tracks.
Janet J.
The numbness is practically gone in my legs, itchiness is about 50% better and the stabbing pain is completely gone.
Steven B.
I am amazed, for the first time in five months, I have been able to run again.
Jana E.
The Protocol has brought me so much hope; I have Fibromyalgia and the constant aching all over has reduced by 80%.
Jamie P.
I went to the Yankee game and did 7051 steps ... it was so good not to feel the tingling and numbness in my feet.
Dianne F.
Within 2 hours of the TDap vaccine, my Neuropathy flared up down my legs ... burning, tingling and icy cold sensations etc.
Briana M.
We all know what stress can do to our symptoms, being on the Protocol has calmed down those symptoms.
Sheri O.
After thirty years of bad Colonoscopy results, they are now perfect - the Protocol helps with all inflammation.
Nancy R.
My husband is completely off Gabapentin, the fog has lifted and isn't in any pain, he even worked
four hours of overtime.
Erin L.
I spent the entire day on my feet with intermittent breaks; I am finally getting my life back.
Leah C.
I have been able to get off all my pain pills! No more foggy head. NO MORE NEUROPATHY. I feel like I have my life back.
Bernadine Z.
I CHOSE THIS GROUP because the research had been done; I was so sick and needed to be spoon fed with a miracle.
Martha P.
My husband received the gift of Neuropathy from Chemotherapy and was close to being unable to walk - Life is good using the Protocol.
Darlene D.
When I found this Group, my feet were becoming so numb I feared I would have to give up driving.
Gloria C.
When I’m having an Awakening and start panicking, I always use the archives to search, read and watch the videos.
Melissa J.
I went from bedridden to feeling better than I have in 20 years. “Sixty is the new forty” is my motto.
Maryann M.
First time in about 5 years I was able to sleep with my feet covered.
Phillip B.
There are so many resources here you might feel overwhelmed, don’t be. The information is here, it’s like the Congressional library of Neuropathy.
Brandon M.
In the last 2 weeks my burning and tingling has diminished quite a bit.
Marian J.
I spent 2 hours working in the garden before having to take a break.
Valerie M.
I have pains that have disappeared completely, new ones arrive, but I am free from Gabapentin and no longer depressed.
Susan F.
At the time I started the Protocol, my brain was completely fried because of the meds now I'm more relaxed and can function again.
Ann B.
I have been on the Protocol almost 4 years and do just about anything I want with no issues.
Linda D. H.
My recovery took longer than I had hoped but here I am today feeling darn close to my old self and ready to start back to a fitness regimen.
Tina B-T.
All I can say is thanks to the Protocol, I am back to working, running and hiking again.
Gary C.
The Protocol is so much better than the meds ... I am just totally blown away to finally walk without hanging onto the walls.
Bernadine Z.
The last few times I got in the pool it felt overwhelmingly strange on my skin, this time it was a nonevent and that has me feeling hopeful.
Sio S.
I still have Neuropathy but now I can live my life, enjoy grand babies, go places, wear socks and NO MORE GABAPENTIN.
Debra S.
I still have tingling and burning every now and then but, I can do just about everything I want thanks to the Protocol.
L. D. H.
Today is a new day and I FEEL GREAT! The stabbing electrical pain in my left ankle is gone!
Victoria R. C.
I have 85% to 95% relief from my PN symptoms; crying is a thing of the pass.
Rita S.
This is the Group that will help you learn and knowledge is the key to healing.
E. E.
SFN affected my brain in so many detrimental ways and thanks to the Protocol, I have gotten 90% of that back along with the neuron connections I missed so much.
D. L.
Got off the prescribed meds, started the Protocol and within two weeks the pain subsided considerably.
S S.
Positive thinkers. No senseless complaining! Just REAL SOLUTIONS.
K. W.
I am thrilled with my progress and truly grateful to this Group, the knowledgeable and the Protocol.
N. R.
I am detoxing from a high dose of Lyrica(450) ... may the itching continue and the healing begin.
L. G. B.
Feeling so much better without the excruciating pain; the Protocol saved my brain from becoming nonfunctioning and I sleep much better now.
A. B.
I am off all pharmaceutical drugs, I can stay on my feet longer and it seems to reduce the flares of my face.
L. G. B.
I’m thankful for this Protocol ... It has given me my life back, I no longer fear I’m going to lose my ability to walk or use my hands.
The Protocol has worked
miracles. I was stage
3 kidney disease
my creatinine was
1.3 now it is .9 so no
more kidney disease.
Patty H.
The Protocol has me
feeling significantly better!
The numbness is practically
gone in my legs, itchiness
is about 50% better and
the stabbing pain is
completely gone.
Steven B.
Join Us
Although you might feel alone, your
diagnosis is NOT unique. Your symptoms
are shared, and an experienced and
educated community is here to support you.

Welcome to our Community
Solutions to Peripheral Neuropathy Pain & Discomfort provides LIVE
24 hour support from recovering “experts”. We maintain a library of
research and member’s experiences to support your journey including
more than 200 pre recorded videos to watch that are created almost
weekly in our “LIVE With You” Facebook Live events. There is NO
cure for PN. But you CAN roll back your symptoms and STOP taking
the pharmaceuticals your doctor prescribed to “treat” your PN.