Hello everyone,
I’m a 31 yr old male. For the last 5 months I have been experiencing weird symptoms and no doctor seems to be able to diagnose me with anything. It started about a week after I took AB (none of the PNP causing ones though, it was called cefuroxime and is not a fluocinolone) for an UTI. I woke up one day and got blurry vision as well as my skin was slightly numb all over my body. From then on i got a bunch of symptoms like weird tastes in my mouth, fasciculations at night, sweating, hot and cold sensations and some others, which all subsided after a few weeks. What has stayed is an increasing numbness all over my body and the blurry eyesight, which is now also accompanied by visual snow and tinnitus. In the last month also my muscles seem to have gotten a lot smaller since my fingers and everything also feel kind of boney. Also my skin is very gummy like I was obese before and now there is too much skin. Its not intense but noticeable – for me at least. This always stays the same for one or two weeks and then gets worse again, but never actually better in between. I got two MRIs (head, spine), two spinal taps and a shit load of blood tests done – all of them negative. MS was ruled out too. Doctors told me it was not possible to have PNP with the eyes involved (which I think I read otherwise) so they just sent me away. The muscle wasting though is clearly visible and was also confirmed by my doc. Still no answers or treatment. It also seem to progress rather fast, since I got it for only 4 months and already feel way weaker and skinnier as well as the increasing loss of sensation on my skin. Feeling for temperature and pressure is normal though.
I just ordered all the Supplements to start the protocol. Anyhow is this even a good idea if I’m still progressing with my symptoms? I do not have diabetes, don’t drink, donk smoke, not other issues before too.