Chemo, PN, Diabetes, Herniated discs, Floxed

It has been awhile since I’ve posted about myself.
Since August my neuropathy in my feet was at its highest pain level ever. The events in my life were as follows —-In beginning of August I went to help my daughter when she had a lumbar spinal fusion. My feet flared heavily as I made my drive home (3-1/2 hours drive ) then September brought the preparation of my yard for hurricane Irma, the stress of going through the actual storm, the aftermath of cleanup. My feet, I didn’t even want to walk on them as they were swollen, heavy laden and on fire. The end of September brought countless visits to the doctor and the hospital for diagnostic testing as I was DX with triple negative breast cancer. My feet still hurt and although had eased up some there was the burning pain by the end of the day when I lay down to sleep. I still trudged on. Because I knew I’d had these flares before and they would eventually ease and I’d be in my new normal once again. October came and I had two surgeries for my cancer. Then November and I started Chemo treatments. What I’m trying to get to is, I just realized tonight I have No, absolutely No pain, no burn, no electrocution lightning bolts, no tingling , no no no pain whatsoever in my two neuropathic feet. I am ecstatic. So I say to all the new members that are in our group do not be skeptic, do not be doubtful as you too can gain your life back by taking The Protocol! It does work. It’s given me my life back even with fighting cancer. Stand Strong. Stand Tough. Do this for yourself. It’s thee Best gift you can give yourself this year. It’s not too late. We will all help you, encourage you. To become the best you can be and for your life— this life that we only get one chance to live here.
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