#theprotocolworks My husband, Michael, has been on the Protocol going on 4 months now. He had numbness from the tips of his toes up through his crotch and back side with frequent electrical bolts probably caused from his advanced ankylosing spondylitis. He is finally showing signs of reduced numbness in one foot and lightened numbness in parts of his legs and upward. The protocol you so diligently created, through your own trial and error, absolutely works! It took me 3 years of reading the blog, researching the articles, reading testimonies, gently pushing him in the knowledge, to finally convince him to try it “as a last resort”. It makes my heart full to know he is a full believer now. Thank you so much for all that you have done, Bob, to get so many across the line. He was losing all hope at 64 years of age…but he now sees a light shining through. He can’t wait to talk to his neurologist about his progress and what actually has done the trick versus Gabapentin, CT scans, etc. Thank you and your team again!