I’m Overwhelmed with love and Hope. The Encouragement in this Family of PEOPLE who are suffering the same way I am, is a special phenomenon. No where else will you find this level of Caring.
I want to take a second, to make you understand, when Bob started The Solutions to Peripheral Neuropathy. It was out of Caring for Us All. He could have taken his Protocol and just lived his life, but he has chosen to share with us this Awesome discovery, If you Follow the Protocol you will get relief. This is no miracle, it takes work and dedication to get to the New Normal, mind and body.
It’s more than Thanks that I feel about the Generous gift that I have been given, It’s indescribable.
My head is all stopped up from Crying (in a good way). Hopefully this starts an avalanche of giving and we all can be on the Protocol and live with a New Normal.