Peripheral Neuropathy

Lyrica and other meds made me and kept me fat. Well, uhhh, and sugar. From a size 6 to a 20! Eleven months ago I started
#theprotocolworks, got rid of all the PN meds I had been on for 15 years, (I love the way docs call them that!) STOPPED the sugar and everything changed…70 pounds of everything! I never want to be a size 6 again, but even more I never want to be as screwed up in the head as was on medications. I didn’t realize until I detoxed and my system stabilized that they weren’t helping the pain at all. I felt the same pain taking them that I felt not taking them. And NO, stopping wasn’t an overnight thing. And NO, stopping wasn’t always easy but I did it because I was sick of how I felt. My mind hasn’t been this clear since 2002. Those of you who know me or read my posts are aware of the multiple complex medical diagnoses in my life. I am not pain free, nor will I ever be (until my miracle comes along) but the protocol and this group have made me a healthier chronically ill person. I wouldn’t change it for the world!
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