7th day on full protocol – all going well….except this morning I woke up feeling energized, my feet and hand, although still numb had low pain and minimum pins & needles…I looked at my over grown vegan garden, put on work clothes and my furry old ugh boots (although its really hot in NZ, feet still feel cold)…and I have ripped out weeds, found my spinach and kale plants under there, watered them, tomatoes fruiting so have 3 nice toms for breakfast…and next I am going to plant out my garlic chives as they are rooting thru the pot I bought them in a year ago!! I may have to whisper this as its a pretty quick turn around and I don’t want to jinx anything…..I think #theprotocolworks Will have breakfast then my pills and see how the rest of the day pans out!! Exactly a year since I was in a wheelchair!!