Archive for Category: Sciatica
Floxed, Sciatica, DDD
After more than 20 years of my neuropathy progressing, I’ve finally found a solution to heal the nerve damage and reverse the symptoms.
PN, DDD, Sciatica
I went to my first appointment yesterday to The Pearlman Cancer Center. I met my oncologist and many of his team of nurses and techs.
DDD, Sciatica, PN
October 4, 2016 I’ve been on the Protocol for 5 months. My start date was June 4th.
DDD, PN, Sciatica, Herniated discs
OMG. I had a text from my pharmacy that an RX medicine was filled and ready for me to pick up yesterday.
Floxed, Facet Arthropathy, DDD, PN, Sciatica
Today I went to Wal Mart. And my feet never hurt one iota. I hope this burning pain stays away.
DDD, PN, Sciatica
Three years ago I could barely stand on my feet. All I wanted to do was lie in bed and even that was miserable.
PN, Sciatica, DDD
The other day I went to show my sister my ganglion cyst on my wrist and it’s practically gone!
DDD, PN, SFN, Sciatica
Update since starting The Protocol six days ago: sinuses haven’t burned in 2 days and the bedtime feet burning has been a level 1 down from level 4 for two nights.
PN, Sciatica, Trigeminal neuralgia, Vagopathy, Glossopharyngeal neuralgia
3 years ago, today I started Full Protocol. The lower half of my body has improved other than muscle weakness in my legs.
Peripheral Neuropathy, Sciatica, DDD
I WAS bedridden for two years after my Dr. gave me Gabapentin to treat my Neuropathy symptoms due to 3 herniated discs.