Archive for Category: Floxed
Peripheral Neuropathy, Floxed, Degenerative Disc Disease
After years of taking Gabapentin and Cymbalta, I am completely off both and able to stay off because I am on the protocol.
Floxed, Sciatica, DDD
After more than 20 years of my neuropathy progressing, I’ve finally found a solution to heal the nerve damage and reverse the symptoms.
Sjogren’s, Fibro, Floxed, SFN
Twenty years of pain from Lyme, cancer treatments, Sjogrens, Cipro, and Fibro. I have been on every medication you can think of and all it ever did was drug me into a stupor.
Chemo, PN, Diabetes, Herniated discs, Floxed
It has been awhile since I’ve posted about myself.
Since August my neuropathy in my feet was at its highest pain level ever.
Floxed, PN, Cardiological
Question for Bob D. and moderators. I did a search of this group and did not find any information here.
Floxed, PN
Today is the third week on the protocol, I was going to wait till the fourth week but I’m having such good results I wanted to let Bob Diamond and everyone else know my report,
Peripheral Neuropathy
I have withheld writing anything more about my story until I felt I had something to say ,
Floxed, PN
I am a walker, have been for quite awhile and have continued to walk 1-2 miles a day throughout the lovely onslaught of my neuropathy ,
Floxed, Facet Arthropathy, DDD, PN, Sciatica
Today I went to Wal Mart. And my feet never hurt one iota. I hope this burning pain stays away.
Peripheral Neuropathy, Floxed
13 Dec 2015, the toxicity of Levaquin and prednisone altered my life forever tearing my left shoulder,